


Business Travel Insurance
A summary of coverage when you’re traveling for Williams business. If additional information is required please email Bob Harris at [email protected] or (413)597-2145.

Cell Phone/Smart Phones
For employees with college-issued phones

Electronic Devices
For employees with college-issued computers

PCard-Receipt Collection Policy
New guidelines for retaining meal receipts while using the purchasing card.

Purchasing Card
Guidelines for responsible use of college-issued cards

Gift Card Policy
Guidelines when recognizing a college employee

Spending Policy for Faculty
For faculty using college funds provided by the Dean of the Faculty

Williams College Federal Funds Purchasing Policy

Travel & Business Expense Guidelines


Request for Sensitive Vendor Information

IRS W9 & W8BEN forms.  Domestic and International Banking Submission Forms 

We are required by the IRS to have a W9 or W-8BEN on file for all vendors prior to issuing payments.

This information is very sensitive and should NOT be sent by email.

Please contact Accounts Payable at [email protected] to request the link to these forms.


Amazon Punchout

Create an Expense Report-Pcard Only

Submit a Supplier Invoice

Payment Request Types

Create a Reimbursement Report